The Dojo4 Playbook

A work in progress...

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The following voting protocols for co-op members are taken, in part, of from the Bylaws:

Voting Method

Where in-person or electronically, members may vote on all matters that require a member vote - see below and Member Responsibilities and the Bylaws, in the following manner:


A simple majority shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of Members. In the event a quorum is lost during a meeting, however, the meeting may proceed. Each member, including each officer who is a member of the Board, shall be entitled to one (1) vote per member of the Board on any matter coming before the Board, except, no Director shall vote on any matter in which she has a pecuniary self-interest in any capacity other than as a Council Member of the Cooperative. A Director who has a pecuniary self-interest may, however, vote on such a matter if the remaining disinterested Directors ratify the vote on such matter and deem the decision to be in the best interest of the Cooperative. Any matter upon which the Board may vote shall require a two-thirds (67%) super-majority affirmative vote of those present and voting to pass.

Matters Requiring a Member Vote