The Dojo4 Playbook

A work in progress...

dojo4 on GitHub


Dojo4 started, at the end of 2009, as a collective workspace for Boulder developers and designers. The original founders were [Ara Howard]((, [David Clements](, [Jeff Larrimore]( and [Justin Crawford](, all of whom have taken flight in various other beautiful directions. The co-working space quickly morphed into an agency, that employed all the founding co-op members. Over the intervening years we molted and transformed into that B Corp certified member-owned co-operative that we are today.

People - Co-op Members and Contributors to this Playbook

Profiles of these and other members of the Dojo4 team are all on the [Dojo4 website](

Corey Kohn

>>>>> gd2md-html alert: inline image link here (to images/image2.png). Store image on your image server and adjust path/filename/extension if necessary.
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Business, Operations and People Executive ::: she/her
Corey helps design businesses that are the building blocks of a saner, healthier and more compassionate world. She leads Dojo4 as an organization that reimagines assumptions about how business should be done and values many kinds of capital. She is also the co-creator of Antidote to Tech, a resource for technologists committed to thriving natural environments and genuine human connection. 
Her areas of expertise are supporting employee resilience, community-building, client relations, business development, social impact, operations, contract negotiation, and cultivating radical, open and generosity-oriented business cultures that prioritize kindness and high-quality relationships. Her background is in documentary film production and photography.


Derek Dunagan

>>>>> gd2md-html alert: inline image link here (to images/image3.png). Store image on your image server and adjust path/filename/extension if necessary.
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Senior Full-Stack Developer ::: they/them
Corporate drone by day, metal vocalist by night; for many years Derek maintained a cover identity in Lead Developer and User Experience Architect roles at companies like Turner Broadcasting and Emirates. Today Derek is proudly out as Autistic, multiply neurodivergent, nonbinary, gendervague, and metal.
They been vibing for 20+ years on information/interaction design, web service/API architecture, developer tools and DX, customer/stakeholder/user "interrogation," UX for large scale data systems, technical product management, data modeling, automated testing, music, the absurd, w®dsmytheing, neuroqueering. The tools they play with are Ruby, Javascript/Node, Python, "frontend", data, computers, English, guitars, caffeine, lots of bass. 


Jeremy Hinegardner

>>>>> gd2md-html alert: inline image link here (to images/image4.png). Store image on your image server and adjust path/filename/extension if necessary.
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Senior Backend Developer and Data Architect ::: he/him
Jeremy is a known speaker in the Ruby community and has spoken at Ruby and other developer conferences around the world. In addition he has developed several open source rubygems and has contributed to multiple other open source projects. He is an avid reader of cookbooks. 
He brings 20+ years of experience in developing recipes for event pipelines, data management, multi-system integration, and large complex problems. His preferred utensils are Ruby, Javascript, C, Rust, SQL, Postgresql, and GraphQL. He particularly enjoys noodling with GIS (PostGIS, GeoJSON, etc), publicly accessible datasets, sensor data, automation, and image processing.


Luke Miller

>>>>> gd2md-html alert: inline image link here (to images/image5.png). Store image on your image server and adjust path/filename/extension if necessary.
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``` Senior Frontend Developer ::: he/him LinkedIn Luke can read Cyrillic and Hindi signage, even on moving trains; he loves snow, and if you have ever seen him ski, you would see that snow loves him right back. He started building websites in the late 90’s with Photoshop and HTML tables before moving into Flash (and its actionscript counterpart) to create interactive interfaces. His skill set naturally evolved and today he builds high-quality web applications and interfaces with a wide range of tools. His areas of expertise are on the frontend, working with all the flavors of Javascript connected to either Node or Ruby backends with GraphQL APIs. His preferred tools are Javascript (20+ years), React, React Native, Vue, D3, etc, HTML, CSS, Node, Ruby, Rails, PHP, Python, MySQL, Postgres, Mongo, GraphQL, Photoshop, Illustrator and other design tools.