The Dojo4 Playbook

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The Dojo4 approach to Docker development…

Container Background

The general trend in software development is towards container based development. And when we say “container” we mean Docker. So, what is Docker? The sort answer is that it’s a system for defining all of the dependancies of a project (build tools, databases, etc) and then running the project and it’s dependancies in a virtual server that’s separate from the developers computer. For deploying software it builds a “Docker image” which has all of the dependancies baked in and can be run on any number of platforms Heroku, AWS, GCP, etc, without any need to confirm servers.

The advantage of using Docker for development is the a dev can simple pull down the Git repo build the environment and get to developing. There’s no need to install the correct version of Ruby, or Node, or whatever and no need to install database servers or any other supporting software. In theory, it doesn’t matter at all what kind of computer the dev is using, this will work on Mac, Linux, and even Windows. And, when a dev is no longer working on the project all of the dependancies can be removed. No more discovering some giant database left over from a project you worked on 7 years ago. Finally, because the output of Docker is a image that contain everything the project needs to run, we can know it will work in production, no more “well it works for me”.

The advantage of Docker for production is that the image can be run with pretty much any hosting service and take advantage of features like autoscaling and auto-failover.

The downside of Docker is that it takes some getting used to. The workflow is more like developing on a server, you have to connect to the Docker container and work inside it. This can be confusing at first.

In addition, you can’t just login to a production Docker and start debugging on the fly. There are ways around this, but it’s a really bad habit we have and something we should stop doing. There are much better accepted practices for debugging issues that happen only in production and Docker actually makes them easier to implement.

State of the Container Union

We are very much it the process of transitioning to Docker. Projects that have launch since mid-2019 built with Docker. Projects that pre-date that are not.

There are two difference approaches to Docker in use at Dojo4.

Earlier Docker projects architected by Ara, such as the two Invited Home apps, Value IO (currently not under contract), and Colorado School of Public Health, use a highly customized build process. One design principle of these projects was to allow for easily running outside of Docker if the host OS is Linux. This feature has been dropped in later implementations in favor of simplicity and having a single convention. We think this change results in a more plug-and-play developer experience, and everyone runs apps the same way, no matter your host OS.

Later Docker projects architected by Spike, such as NavPass and Projects4 (Dojo Redmine), take a more off the shelf approach (i.e. favors official images on Docker Hub). They work equally well on Mac and Linux. Using official images means new devs have less to learn when onboarding because they’ve likely already used these images. And there is more writing on the Web that is helpful for researching and troubleshooting when using these standard images instead of custom images (tho there’s always reasons to not use standard images, just make sure you have a good one).

Container Goals Yall


Easy Onboarding

Flexible Deployment

Container TODOs